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What is Simpler Recycling?

Simpler Recycling is legislation being introduced in England to reform households’ and business’ waste and recycling collections.  

It aims to increase recycling rates by: 



Standardising and simplifying what is collected for recycling across England


Reducing confusion about what can and cannot be recycled 


Removing recyclable material from general waste so it can be collected separately for recycling


Reducing contamination in recycle bins

What is changing?


For most businesses, the biggest change will be that you can no longer use a general waste bin for all your waste. If you are currently disposing of any of the following recyclable materials in general waste, then you will need to separate them out and arrange for a collection:

What do I need to do?

If you are a business with 10 or more full time or equivalent employees, you will need to start separating recyclable materials from your general waste and organise relevant collections.

Here is what you need to know. 

Food must be separated into food waste bins. If your business produces any amount of food waste including employees lunch left overs - then you will need to separate it from general waste and arrange collection. 

Specific recyclable material can be collected together as dry mixed recycling. This includes paper, card, plastic and aluminium. This means you don't need a separate bin for these materials. 

Glass needs to be recycled on it's own. If your business produces any glass waste then you will need a separate bin for this.

General waste is for whatever's left. If your business produces any non-recyclable waste then you will still need a bin for general waste.

Where to start?
Start by taking a look at our new range of recycling bins. We are continuously updating our products so if you have any special requirements please contact our team.

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